I servizi acquistati non erano presenti, il wifi preso con la stanza era presente solo a pagamento, per poggiare i bagagli bisognava pagare, non era presente il phon, era presente il televisore ma non il telecomando, quindi niente televisione.
Colazione veramente scarsa, pane, formaggio, uova sode e marmellata.
Ho rappresentato di aver acquistato stanza con wifi compreso, la risposta è stata che se lo volevo lo dovevo pagare a loro ma il costo era veramente eccessivo.
Mai più!
The services purchased were not present, the wifi taken with the room was present only for a fee, to rest the bags you had to pay, there was no hair dryer, there was the TV but not the remote control, so no television.
Breakfast really poor, bread, cheese, hard boiled eggs and jam.
I represented to have bought room with wifi included, the answer was that if I wanted I had to pay them but the cost was really excessive.
Never again!