Upon my arrival, I was treated very kindly and the staff was so hospitable. This morning, different staff, different tone. I wanted to extend my stay for one more night but was treated ever so rudely for even attempting. While I was trying to decide if I was going to extend my stay, I was simply confirming that my late checkout request was still being honored. Who I spoke with (the assistant manager) verbatim said “have you looked outside? The weather is too bad for housekeepers to show up and we’re understaffed” … kind of a rude way to speak to someone in the HOSPITALITY business. Then when I was trying to rebook the same associate (assistant manager) was extremely rude and made it very difficult so I decided to just check out. I know that my personal affairs shouldn’t matter while staying in a hotel, but the only reason I booked this stay was because I was just diagnosed with a terminal disease, had a friend purchase me a gift card, and I booked just for a little getaway and to have a tub because I’m in so much pain. I cannot believe I was treated like a nuisance. The assistant manager for this property shouldn’t be doing anything other than assisting herself a different career because hospitality is most certainly not her strong suit.